
Hot and Cold Therapy for Arthritis Joint Pain

The simple, convenient and inexpensive way of treating arthritis is by applying hot and cold therapy to the affected area. However, many times people are confused about when to consider heat therapy and when to apply cold therapy. Hot therapy helps in relaxing muscles and lubricating joints. So, it is often used to relieve joint Hot and Cold Therapy for Arthritis Joint Pain

Hot or Cold Therapy – Which Therapy Work Best For You?

Deciding between hot or cold therapy can be a confusing task. These therapies are often recommended to overcome joint or muscle pain and to aid injury recovery. Sometimes a combination of these therapies, i.e. a hot cold therapy, is also pitched as an effective solution. This combination is often a process of alternating between hot Hot or Cold Therapy – Which Therapy Work Best For You?

Treating Sports Injuries with Ice Packs and Heat Packs

Mild to less severe sports injuries can be easily treated with heat or/and ice therapies. These therapies have proved to be useful in providing relief from the pain and discomfort caused by injuries while allowing the body to heal faster. Sports injuries are common if you are an avid sportsperson. Be it a bump, pang, Treating Sports Injuries with Ice Packs and Heat Packs